The Association of Castles and Strengths of Cartagena (AFORCA) has welcomed the news of the approval of an amendment to the General State Budget of 2018, to allocate one million euros to the rehabilitation of the old batteries of the coast of Cartagena.
The association thinks that the long years of work carried out by AFORCA along with other associations for the dissemination of the heritage of Cartagena's military fortifications and its history, are bearing fruit and that currently, neither the institutions nor the citizens doubt the value cultural-patrimonial and of the tourist potentiality that they enclose.
But a greater commitment to this forgotten heritage is needed.
The continuous interventions of the Ministry of the Environment and the Demarcation of Coasts, through state funds, and especially the last ones made to ensure the integrity of the construction and return the original physiognomy to the batteries of Atalayón, Fort of Santa Ana and Battery of Santa Florentina have been very important for their opportunity, regardless of the use they may have in the future, and are an example of commitment to this heritage.
Therefore, and before thinking about the usefulness of some of these fortifications, these first economic items should be used to ensure the integrity of some items of great value that are about to disappear and that require urgent intervention, such as :
1. Tucked covered path to the Battery of the Podadera (late S. XIX), whose construction is about to collapse on the sea.
BIC and property of the MINISDEF.
2. Northern fusilier drum from the Fort of Fajardo (mid 19th century), partly shelled for military use, and another section of it was dropped two years ago due to the lack of closing of its coronation.
BIC and property of the MINISDEF.
3. Excuses and Guard Corps of the Atalaya Castle (18th century).
Only part of this small external building remains standing, and threatens to collapse the rest.
BIC and property of the City of Cartagena.
The improvement of its access, the cataloging of remains and the clearing carried out by the City Council are positively valued.
4. False entrance and exterior walls of the spare parts of the magazines and artifices of the Castillo de San Julián.
BIC and Property of Telefónica.
5. Forged and historicist Egyptian reliefs of the parts of the battery of the Parajola.
BIC and property of the MINISDEF.
6. Building of the Guard and Spare Parts of the Castillo de Moros (XVIII).
The expolio of bricks of the recercos undergone in these two constructions threatens with its total collapse.
BIC and property of the City of Cartagena.
7. Bulwark No. 9 entry to Navantia, Wall of Carlos III (S. XVIII).
Cracked and propped up in its access from the bridge of the Rambla de Benipila.
BIC and property of the MINISDEF.
AFORCA considers a unique case in Spain the rich patrimonial set of military fortifications existing in Cartagena due to its high concentration, times it represents, styles of fortification and for its quality;
and believes that it is very necessary to carry out actions that at least guarantee their maintenance and integrity, regardless of the utility that may be given in the future.
In Cartagena and the region there are, among many other fortifications, the remains of at least four ramparts of walls, five castles, four forts, two coastal towers and 21 coastal and anti-aircraft batteries.
Source: AFORCA