The local action group Campoder has proposed granting the maximum subsidy to the project presented by the Department of Quality of Life and Welfare of the City of Cartagena, led by Obdulia Gómez, to musealize the ethnographic room of the Ports of Santa Bárbara.
The committee evaluating projects, gathered Thursday at the headquarters of Campoder in Lobosillo, has evaluated the applications submitted, corresponding to nonproductive public projects in the selective process of 2018.
project presented by the City of Cartagena for the musealization of the ethnographic room of the Ports of Santa Bárbara, in measure 4 of Campoder's Participatory Local Development Strategy, it has obtained the highest score of its group, proposing for its approval the subsidy maximum corresponding to that measure, amounting to 50,000 euros.
Later, in a meeting of the Board of Directors of Campoder in the Cultural Center of Lobosillo, the list that includes the proposal made by the Committee of Baremación has been validated.
Therefore, the musealization of the ethnographic room of the Ports of Santa Bárbara has been provisionally approved, in the absence of approval by the General Directorate of Agrarian Funds and Rural Development, of the Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, that previously had given the approval to the reports of the files.
So just missing the last legal procedures to obtain the final resolution of granting the grant, as pointed out by the Councilor of Cartagena, Obdulia Gómez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena